Army-Navy game inspires rivalry spirit videos

Army-Navy game inspires rivalry spirit videos

The football rivalry between the Naval Academy Midshipmen and West Point Black Knights goes back 133 years. As a result, there is a lengthy history of hijinks between the two schools including challenges, pranks, and, more recently, spirit videos.

They run the gamut from boring “Go Army, Beat Navy” clips to incredibly elaborate works of cinema. In fact, last year, an Army video recreated the infamous door scene from “Titanic,” but instead of Rose letting Jack slip into the deep blue abyss, it was the Army that let the Navy drown.

Here’s a roundup of some of this year’s spirit videos.

1. Bringing in the cavalry

Who’s ready for the big game?


— 1st Cavalry Division (@1stCavalryDiv) December 1, 2023

2. The fat chance

GO ARMY! BEAT NAVY! #ArmyNavy2023

— U.S. Army V Corps (@VCorps) December 4, 2023

3. The throwback

????????Here’s a little #BeatNavy spirit! With a legacy dating back to 1775, @USACEHQ is dedicated to tackling the nation’s most formidable engineering challenges! Go Army-Beat Navy! Building strong on and off the field!@USArmy | @SecArmy | @DeptofDefense | @USArmySMA | @ArmyCorpsNAD

— U.S. Military Academy at West Point (@WestPoint_USMA) December 5, 2023

4. Flipping channels
5. The history lesson
6. The rhyming game
7. The goat is dead

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